Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ski and Ride

Since it is snowing outside I thought it would be an appropriate day to talk about snow sports related furniture.  Casey's Grandma gave us this chair as a house warming gift. She had it made from old skis used Casey's grandparents, mother and uncle. The skis his grandparents used are actually engraved with their names.  It is a pretty comfy chair and you kinda feel like a king when sitting in it.

Inspired by the chair we have been talking about making a bench out of an old snowboard that has been retired from the quiver. I finally got around to it last week.

I used our picnic table benches as inspiration and actually just traced the angles and sizes I needed onto the 2x4s. The snowboard really is a beautiful piece of engineering and I love the way the bench accentuates the curves. My favorite part is that you cannot see the 2x6 running between the two legs under the board. It would have taken away the floating on pow feeling. I might paint the legs later on, but for now I like the way they match the trim.

Taking pictures down here has really made me realize I really cannot stand the wall color.  It must go. It was supposed to be a more rusty burnt pumpkin color. Currently all I see is processed cheese. That is what I get for using cheap paint. I always advise clients not to skimp, but I always do it myself and end up regretting it and spending twice as much to repaint the color or add more coats. Between the wall color and the dogs being especially curious today, these photos were a distaster. I took about 50 and almost every one has a piece of at least one dog in it.

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