Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Conclusion to the Straw Bale Coop

Now that we are down to one lonely old hen and thinking about more chickens and building a bigger coop in the spring,  I figured it was time I updated you on the straw bale coop.  I left off with it in need of some finish work and a proper framed roof.

Truth Time. It did get some finishes, but it never received a proper roof or all the cosmetic touches I planned on adding. The chickens never complained.

The triangle between the roof and straw get insulation and a piece of plywood to further insulate the structure for winter. The front is a piece of corrugated plastic that provides protection from the wind and lets light in to help encourage egg production. The plywood box at the back is just a quick and dirty storage box that holds bedding and other chicken related items.

We do let our chickens free range, there is a little passage in the gate that allows them to go in and out of the enclosure as they please. We can close the opening if we want to contain them.

I finished the straw with a Quickcrete Surface Bonding Cement (Note: this is not the product you would use for a permanent structure). I didn't trim the straw bales as I wanted a super textured and rustic look. I used a black Quickcrete dye to get the gray color and red dye on the interior. I was going for a deep red, but it ended up more Boca Raton.

Ironically the straw bale coop currently uses wood chips as bedding. There was a straw shortage earlier in the summer due to last year's Tropical Storm Irene Flood, so wood chips were substituted. I will be switching back to straw for winter, as I think it gives more warmth.