The second shade is tragically ugly but was only $6.00 and measures in at 14"around the bottom. I really just wanted the hardware and will recover it somewhere down the line. Here it is atop my last score of the day, an $8.00 base. The base is actually plastic but for $8.00 who cares. I got two of these babies.

In the process of spray painting the base I kind of fell in love with the primed version. I finally understand why DIY bloggers spray paint everything white.
For a moment, I had a glimpse an alternate life where I came home at 3:00 AM to my stark white and empty minimalist apartment from my glamorous job as a big city architect, designing skyscrapers for 80 hours a week. I quickly snapped back to reality, where I live off the grid in Vermont, barely scraping by on kitchen remodels and where nothing is white for very long. Yesterday, I spent two hours stacking rocks around our front door walkway. Then I spent another two hours shoveling gravel into the pickup truck and off again into the washouts in our driveway, while pining for a tractor. And so you see why the white lamp had to go.
It received the same treatment as the brass lamp. You can see the eye-searing, high gloss, orangey red peaking out the of the closet. It is by far my favorite part of the room. Packed with our winter gear it doesn't hurt the eyes anymore but still provides enough whimsy to relax the very serious, grown up furniture gifted to us by my mother in law.
Next up for this room: art and accessories, doing something with that ceiling and an area rug.