Monday, January 20, 2014

Taking Stock

Fall and Winter have been incredibly busy this year and truthfully I have been kind of a hermit lately and haven't really felt like sharing my cozy little bubble with the world.

So here is a little snapshot of my life right now. Inspired my this.
Making : projects happen (new job as a project manager)
Cooking : lots of meat from my CSA Drinking : hot chocolate with a shot of Dr. ( mcgillicuddy's, not pepper)
Reading: old homesteading magazines 
Playing: in the snow (more like ice)
Wasting: time (hehe)
Wishing: for a big snowstorm
Enjoying: evenings in front of the fire and moonlight snowshoeing
Waiting: for January to end so I can switch yoga studios without looking like a resolutioner and the olympics to start. I love the olympics.
Liking: feeling confident in my abilities 
Wondering: if I made the right career choice 
Loving: my short hair 
Hoping: this good stuff keeps up
Missing: my sisters
Needing: a new office chair
Smelling: cinnamon
Wearing: patterned button downs
Following: tracks through the snow
Noticing: days getting longer
Knowing: things will work out alright 
Designing: bathrooms - always bathrooms (architecture is not as glamour as it seems)
Opening: packages of tea
Giggling: at those doggies
Feeling: content
Wanting: to pay off debt
Looking: for pantry and wardrobe cabinets
Thinking: that I did make the right career choice
Feeling: forgetful
Bookmarking: drink recipes
I personally love these little lists, almost as much as I love the day in a life posts, unfortunately, or fortunately my day is a bit too routine for one of those.